Course & Exam Review - eLearnSecurity Penetration Testing Professional (eCPPTv2)


eLearnSecurity has been one of the training providers who offers good quality training courses and exams. I really like the idea that all exams are practical and you need to understand how things work to pass the exams - the beginner friendly exam eJPT is not an exception.

In order to well prepare for the OSCP exam, I have chosen to enroll the PTP course.

The Course

To be honest, the scope of the course is really intensive - it covers all of the basic concepts and skills of penetration testing. If you are a beginner, the course material definitely equips you with the essential skills.

You may practice in the Hera Lab, which is quite well-designed. For me, studying the material is too bored and I cannot stop skipping them from time to time. However, when doing the labs, I could always learn something new.

If you want to enroll to the course, don't skip labs!

Sure there are bad things in this course ... Quite a lot of typos and outdated information. For sure knowing how to digest and filter information is also an important skill!


> Check out the exam description here:

The exam is quite straightforward - if you have enough practice in the lab, you should be above to finish in 1-2 days. I managed to finish it in day 2. The time given is absolutely enough for you to finish the exam so don't be panic if you're stuck!

The most challenging part is report writing. You have to deem yourself as a service provider and write a professional report. Even if you do not need to, I encourage people who take this exam will take this exam as a real-world engagement - try not to interrupt things, try to be stealthy, try not to do something destructive. Plan on the strategy and what to report, and then collect enough information while doing the lab.

One thing to mention is that after submitting the exam report, the instructor will manually review your report. This period can be as long as 30 business days ... I have received my review in the 2x th day. Definitely eLearnSecurity should improve in this area :)

Overall, I will give the exam a 4.5/5 but course material 3.5/5.
Hope to see more valuable courses from eLearnSecurity!


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